Update - The source code is available on GitHub.

An event bus is a useful way to decouple events from handlers. Instead of handlers subscribing to numerous publishers they subscribe to a type of event. The subscriber may not need to know anything about source of the event. The event itself may contain all the subscriber needs.

For example, suppose you have an application that accepts orders for products. Every time an order is placed you must

  • Log a record of the order details
  • Send notifications when certain types of products are ordered
  • Decrement inventory
  • Send a confirmation email

The class that submits the order doesn’t need to know about any of those actions. And the classes that perform those actions are interested in the order itself, not in the class that submitted it.

The domain event pattern allows any class that submits an order to call

        _eventBus.Raise(new OrderSubmittedEvent(order));

and then any number of classes that implement IEventHander<OrderSubmittedEvent> can receive and handle the event.

There are plenty of event bus implementations. I wanted mine to work well with a dependency injection container so that I can resolve event handlers from that container. But I also didn’t want it to be coupled to any one DI framework. Here’s my implementation. (Perhaps I should stick this on GitHub.)

Event Bus Interfaces and Basic Implementation

First are the interfaces and a few common classes. I like these to be in a separate assembly from any DI-specific code. Then I can adapt to the DI container I’m going to use. (I prefer Windsor.)

        // Event bus interface for injecting into classes
        public interface IEventBus
            void Raise<TEvent>(TEvent @event) where TEvent : IEvent;
            void RaiseSafely<TEvent>(TEvent @event) where TEvent : IEvent;

        // Marker interface for events. Technically this isn't absolutely
        // necessary. I'm on the fence. But I like indicating that a class
        // will be used for this purpose.
        public interface IEvent

        public interface IEventHandler<in TEvent> where TEvent : IEvent
            void HandleEvent(TEvent e);

        // This is what will enable integration of DI containers. I can write 
        // implementations that resolve event handlers from a container.
        public interface IHandlerProvider
            IEnumerable<IEventHandler<TEvent>> GetHandlers<TEvent>() where TEvent : IEvent;
            void ReleaseHandler(object handler );

        public delegate void EventHandlerDelegate<in TEvent>(TEvent e) where TEvent : IEvent;

        // The only predefined event I use
        public class ExceptionEvent : IEvent
            private readonly Exception _exception;

            public Exception Exception { get { return _exception; } }

            public ExceptionEvent(Exception exception, string message = null)
                    _exception = exception;
                    _exception = new Exception(message, exception);

        // The actual event bus
        public class EventBus : IEventBus
            private readonly Dictionary<Type, List<Delegate>> _handlers = new Dictionary<Type, List<Delegate>>();
            private readonly List<IHandlerProvider> _handlerProviders = new List<IHandlerProvider>();

            public void RegisterProvider(IHandlerProvider handlerProvider)

            public void Register<TEvent>(params EventHandlerDelegate<TEvent>[] handlers) where TEvent : IEvent
                if (!_handlers.ContainsKey(typeof(TEvent))) _handlers.Add(typeof(TEvent), new List<Delegate>());
                foreach (var handler in handlers)

            public void Handle<TEvent>(TEvent e) where TEvent : IEvent
                Contract.Requires(e != null);

            private void HandleWithRegisteredDelegates<TEvent>(TEvent e, bool safe=false) where TEvent : IEvent
                if (_handlers.ContainsKey(typeof (TEvent)))
                    _handlers[typeof (TEvent)].ForEach(h => ExecuteHandler(((EventHandlerDelegate<TEvent>) h), e, safe));

            private void HandleWithHandlerProviders<TEvent>(TEvent e, bool safe = false) where TEvent : IEvent
                _handlerProviders.ForEach(handlerProvider =>
                  var providedHandlers = handlerProvider.GetHandlers<TEvent>();
                  foreach (var providedHandler in providedHandlers)
                      ExecuteHandler(providedHandler.HandleEvent, e, safe);

            private void ExecuteHandler<TEvent>(EventHandlerDelegate<TEvent> handler, TEvent e, bool safe) where TEvent : IEvent
                if (safe)
                    catch (Exception ex)
                            Handle(new ExceptionEvent(ex));
                        catch { }

            private void Handle<TEvent>(TEvent e, bool safe) where TEvent : IEvent
                Contract.Requires(e != null);
                HandleWithRegisteredDelegates(e, safe);
                HandleWithHandlerProviders(e, safe);

            public void Raise<TEvent>(TEvent e) where TEvent : IEvent
                Contract.Requires(e != null);
                Handle(e, false);

            public void RaiseSafely<TEvent>(TEvent e) where TEvent : IEvent
                Contract.Requires(e != null);
                Handle(e, true);

            public bool HasHandler<TEvent>() where TEvent : IEvent
                return _handlers.ContainsKey(typeof(TEvent))
                       || _handlerProviders.Any(h => h.GetHandlers<TEvent>().Any());

The Register method allows registering a delegate to handle an event. It’s there but I never use it. Instead I use RegisterProvider which allows me to add a DI-specific IHandlerProvider.

When an event is raised by calling Raise or RaiseSafely then the event is passed to each delegate and to each IEventHandler returned by the IHandlerProvider.

RaiseSafely ensures that the event bus will not raise any errors thrown by event handlers. Instead it will raise an ExceptionEvent. (If an exception handler throws an exception then it eats the exception. Stop the madness.)

Windsor Facility

The Winsdsor facility resides in a separate assembly. That way you aren’t forced to reference Windsor just to use the event bus. The facility creates a single instance of EventBus and registers it to fulfill all requests for IEventBus.

It also registers its own HandlerProvider for the EventBus to use. That HandlerProvider uses the container to resolve any registered instances of IEventHander<TEvent>. This is an acceptable use of the container because it’s all done at the composition root and keeps the container hidden from classes outside the assembly.

        public class DomainEventFacility : AbstractFacility
            private HandlerProvider _handlerProvider;
            protected override void Init()
                var eventBus = new EventBus();
                _handlerProvider = new HandlerProvider(Kernel);

        internal class HandlerProvider : IHandlerProvider
            private readonly IKernel _kernel;
            public HandlerProvider(IKernel kernel)
                _kernel = kernel;

            public IEnumerable<IEventHandler<TEvent>> GetHandlers<TEvent>() where TEvent : IEvent
                return _kernel.ResolveAll<IEventHandler<TEvent>>();

            public void ReleaseHandler(object handler)

This makes using IEventBus with the container very easy. You just add the facility as you would any other facility:

            _container = new WindsorContainer();

and then register handlers:


and they are all triggered with each call to

        _eventBus.Raise(new OrderSubmitEvent(order));